Privacy Policy

Ensuring loyalty and protection for personal details of our website users is a primary concern for The way we gather, use, and guard the details you give us while using this website is outlined in our privacy policy.

Data We Gather: 

If requested by you, some identification features (name, e-mail, telephone numbers) that are given voluntarily by you when visiting our website, could be obtained by us. Moreover, non-personal information about your usage patterns on our webpage, including IP addresses, browser types and device attributes, may also be collected.”

“Using Your Information Data is collected to make your browsing specific and to offer you the desired content and services Sending updates newsletters site notifications corresponding to your inquiries or tending to your concerns may require communication.”.

We use this information to improve our service delivery and better meet your needs.

Data Security: 

To us it is a matter of prime importance that we protect your Personal Information. And therefore we put in place mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. But let us remember; no single system can be said to be totally secure. So there might be risks in the very nature of transmitting sensitive data electronically.

Websites following the text you are reading now and they are to be found on our website: All links can be seen. Take extra caution about privacy terms from each one before releasing personal details or data at such third-party websites.

Updates to Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to update or modify our privacy policy as needed. We recommend checking back here periodically for any updates.

By accessing, you agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we handle your information. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at for clarification.